• 创始会长 王 巍

    作者: 来源: 日期:2015-12-2 16:00:58 人气:974 加入收藏 标签:金融博物馆理事长

    王  巍   

    全联并购公会创始会长,金融博物馆理事长。美国Fordham University博士(1992),长期担任欧洲经济合作与发展组织(OECD)投资委员会专家、上海证券交易所公司治理专家,20余家境内外上市公司独立董事。曾任中欧、长江、上海高金和纽约哥大等商学院客座教授。曾当选“中国最具影响力独立董事”《董事会杂志》、“中国最具影响力投资银行人物”《中国金融网》,获得美国并购年会“并购终身成就奖”(2012),“华尔街日报公益创新人物奖”(2013)、“IFFM中国金融启蒙贡献奖”(2015)和“达沃斯区块链论坛创新奖”(2017)等。2013年5月成功登顶世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰。 

    Wang, Wei  Chairman of the of China Museum of Finance. Founding Chairman of China M&A Association (CMAA). He received a Ph.D. in economics from Fordham University in the United States(1992). He is an author of many books and journal articles, also a well-known lecturer as he has given seminars and lectures in many universities including CEIBS and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. 

    Mr. Wang has been named “Top Five Chinese Investment Bankers” by Talents magazine in 2003, “The Most Influential Independent Director” by Directors & Boards magazine in 2006 and “The Most Influential Investment Banker” by China Finance Network in 2006. He was selected as a member of Shanghai Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Advisory Committee since 2007. Furthermore, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award(2012) from The M&A Advisor in New York, Social Innovator Award(2013) from The Wall Street Journal, 2017 Davos Blockchain Innovation Award and many others. He has summit the Mount Everest in May 2013. 

    联系电话 Phone: +86 (0)10 65171128 

    邮 箱E-mail: wangwei@mergers-china.com 

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